Over the last few months, staff at our Juniper Chrystal Halliday Residential Aged Care Home have been running a small men’s group for residents with the help of our wonderful volunteer, Rod.
The idea behind the group is to encourage social engagement and participation, as well as build new skills for our male residents.

Having activities that are meaningful and relevant to each of our residents increases engagement and participation, improving well-being and reducing the risk of social isolation.

Many of our male residents earned a living with their tools or spent their leisure time tinkering away in their shed, so having the opportunity to revisit these skills and hobbies has bought back great memories for many of them.

We would love to continue to expand on what we can provide for our male residents – particularly for our residents living with Dementia!
If anyone is able to offer their time, expertise, or even donate old tools or memorabilia, our Juniper Chrystal Halliday team would love to hear from you.
If you can help, please email juniper@juniper.org.au and we will get our team to contact you.