Transition Care Program for Aged Care | Fees Perth, WA
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Juniper Transition Care Program Perth and Albany, WA

What is the Transition Care Program?

The Juniper Transition Care Program (TCP) provides short term care for up to 12 weeks for those who need additional support after staying in hospital. You can receive this care in a residential home, your own home, or a combination of both. This goal-orientated program looks to improve your health and mobility, so you can continue to live independently at home. If you need longer term support and care, the Transition Care Program lets you explore future living arrangements. Juniper will collaborate with you to achieve the best outcomes. We have multi-disciplinary teams to meet your wellbeing goals.

Access Juniper’s Transition Care Program by referral from the Aged Care Hub. Read more here.

Hear first-hand from our residents about their Transition Care Program experiences with Juniper

Elizabeth bowled over by TCP

“They’ve accepted me for who I am, not for what I am at the moment… that has gone a long way to my rehabilitation,” says Juniper Transition Care Program customer Elizabeth Jackson.

Peter steps up with Juniper TCP

“The range of different cultures working with Juniper made it doubly good – I enjoyed the interactions, which made it quite special,” says Juniper Transition Care Program customer Peter Dunlop.

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Sky’s the limit for Dawn

“The support workers were absolutely brilliant. My physio wanted me to get out of the wheelchair as quickly as possible and get me standing so I could go home and that’s just what happened.”

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Transition Care Program Services in Perth and Albany
Medical Support, such as nursing.

  • Medical Support, such as nursing.
  • Social Support through a social worker and case manager.
  • Therapy Support, like low intensity physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
  • Personal Care, such as showering.
  • Domestic Assistance, such as cleaning and meal preparation.
  • Transport to and from medical appointments (subject to eligibility, speak with our team to discuss).

If you are in a Juniper Residential Aged Care home or Juniper Karrinyup TCP, you will have your own bedroom with an ensuite and meals provided.

Transition Care Program Locations

Transition Care in Metropolitan Perth

  • Juniper Home and Community Care
    In your own home, servicing East, North and South Metropolitan Perth
  • Juniper Karrinyup TCP
    27 Prisk Street, Karrinyup
  • Juniper Hayloft
    1 Lewis Rd, Martin WA 6110
  • Juniper Annesley
    145-147 Hill View Terrace, Bentley WA 6102

Transition Care in Albany

  • Juniper Korumup
    11 Townsend St, Lockyer Albany WA 6330

How to access Transition Care

You can access Juniper’s Transition Care Program across Perth through a referral from the Aged Care Hub.

Transition Care Program – fees and costs

A Basic Daily Fee is payable for those who can afford to do so. Inability to pay fees will not affect access to the Program. Juniper determine your capacity to pay the Transition Care Program fees and costs. We will consider any exceptional and unavoidable expenses incurred by you through a Juniper financial hardship application.

Basic Daily Fee

Cost Per Day
Receiving services in your own home $13.08
Receiving services within a Residential Aged Care home or Juniper Karrinyup TCP (bedroom with ensuite and meals provided) $63.57

Transition Care Contact details

If you are a current customer and need to contact Juniper reception, please call:

Location Phone
Juniper Hayloft 08 9394 8800
Juniper Annesley 08 6363 6601
Juniper Karrinyup TCP 08 6363 6751
Juniper Home and Community Care 08 6363 6324
Juniper Korumup 08 6821 3500


The reablement approach

Our Transition Care Program takes a reablement approach.

Reablement supports people to be as independent as possible, for as long as possible. It places choice and control in the customer’s hands.

Watch this video of our staff talking about all the great benefits you can gain from this approach and why we love it!