COVID-19 Update Friday 12 February 2021, 1:45pm - Juniper
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COVID-19 Update Friday 12 February 2021, 1:45pm

COVID-19 Update Friday 12 February 2021, 1:45pm

Juniper acknowledges the announcement from the WA Government today, Friday 12 February at 11:00am, that the Perth and Peel restrictions will end as planned at 12.01am, Sunday, 14 February. This means the whole of Western Australia will return to the pre-lockdown conditions, as experienced prior to 6pm on Sunday, 31 January. The full announcement can be read here.

We would like to highlight that as an aged care provider in WA, Juniper is still required to continue to comply with the most recent WA Government Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities Directions No.6 (5 February 2021) at our Perth residential care facilities until the WA Government releases updated Directions that are specific to the aged care sector in the Perth region.

This means that until the new Directions are distributed by the WA Government, the current restricted visiting arrangements remain in place at Juniper’s residential aged care facilities in the Perth region from Sunday 14 February 2021.

We expect that the WA Government will revoke the Directions No.6 and revert to the Directions No.4 however this will be confirmed over the coming days.  As soon as the new or updated Directions are received, we will update our website over the weekend and will communicate directly with our residents, clients, families and staff as soon as possible next week once this information is available.

We understand this is a trying time and thank you for your patience as we await instruction from the WA Government.

Residential Aged Care

Perth Metropolitan Facilities

Please check this webpage from Sunday 14 February 2021, for updated information regarding anticipated changes to visiting arrangements at our Perth residential care facilities as a result of updated Visitors Directions.

In accordance with the Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities Directions No.6 (5 February 2021), all Juniper Perth metropolitan residential aged care facilities will continue to have visitor restrictions in place from 12.01am, Sunday 14 February 2021 until new Directions are received by the WA Government.

Visits are permitted for compassionate reasons, and controlled visits for care and support, as defined in the Directions No.6.  Please note:

  • All visits must be discussed with the Residential Manager
  • Care and support visits are limited to one person
  • Bookings are required for all visits
  • Time limits may be set for some visits
  • All visitors are required to complete the COVID-19 screening check before entry
  • Visitors may be required to wear a mask or personal protective equipment including a mask, gloves and gown, dependent on the results of the COVID-19 screening check

Visits are also permitted for:

  • Acceptance of new admissions (with all infection control protocols in place)
  • Essential medical treatments including General Practitioners and Allied Health workers
  • Pastoral care staff

All visitors are reminded, if you have returned from overseas or been informed you are a close contact in the last 14 days or if you are experiencing ANY symptoms, you may not enter a residential aged care facility.

Volunteers, students, and all non-essential service providers and contractors will not be permitted to enter.

Residential Care teams will continue to maintain strict infection control and visitor screening protocols, and enhanced cleaning is taking place.

We are supporting our residents to ensure their happiness and wellbeing during this period. Our therapy teams are facilitating a range of additional engaging activities and regular wellbeing assessments are being conducted.

We understand the importance of keeping our residents and families connected as much as possible during times of restricted visitation and we are committed to helping residents and their loved ones stay in regular contact.

Our teams will continue to help families and residents stay connected through video and phone calls, and some of our care homes have established a means of safely distanced visits, such as Welcome Windows. Please contact your facility directly for further information.

Residents who wish to leave the facility will need to ensure social distancing protocols are maintained including hand hygiene.

Regional facilities of Geraldton, Northam, Katanning and Albany

Juniper’s regional facilities in Geraldton, Northam Katanning and Albany will continue to operate in accordance with the Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities Directions No.4, under the following arrangements:

  • Bookings are required for all visits to all Juniper residential care facilities during the visiting hours as determined by the Residential Manager for that site
  • All visitors are required to complete the COVID-19 screening check before entry.

All visitors are reminded, if you have returned from overseas or been informed you are a close contact in the last 14 days or if you are experiencing ANY symptoms, you may not enter a residential aged care facility.

Regional Facilities of Kimberley

Juniper aged care facilities in the Kimberley will continue to follow the Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities Directions No.4.

Once further direction is received by the WA Government, this website page will be updated and information will be sent directly to our residential aged care facility residents, and resident families and representatives.

Home and Community Care

The health and safety of our clients, your family, carers and our staff members are our first priority. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and are taking action to ensure our clients are able to access the care, services and advice they need.

To ensure your wellbeing and to prevent the spread of COVID-19, all Juniper Home and Care staff will adhere to the following Processes and Procedures:

  • Calling each client before visits to check they are well and haven’t travelled by asking 3 key questions:
  1. Are you feeling unwell with any symptoms associated with COVID-19, including cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, vomiting or diarrhoea?
  2. Have you, or someone you have been in contact with, travelled from overseas or interstate in the last 14 days?
  3. Have you been in close contact with anyone who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
  • Increased Hand Hygiene – following the ‘5 moment rule’: before entering home, before contact, before procedures/activity, after procedures/activity and up on leaving the home
  • Maintaining cough and sneeze etiquette (into inner elbow)
  • Reducing unnecessary contact
  • Adopting precautions such as using a face mask and goggles to protect from cross infection if and when required (suspected symptoms)
  • Escalating any concerns to leaders if and when required; and
  • Juniper is also working closely with our suppliers and stores to limit any potential disruption to product availability.

We are also directing any team members who may be displaying cold or flu like symptoms to refrain from coming to work and isolate at home until their symptoms are fully resolved.

If you are feeling unwell, we ask that you please reconsider your services and phone us to discuss options so that together, we can keep every one of our clients and staff safe and well.

Retirement Villages

A big thanks to our retirement village communities who continue to respond well to the COVID-19 situation. In line with Government advice, from Sunday 14 February 12.01am, masks are no longer mandatory outside your home.

All residents are reminded to maintain social distancing protocols and hand hygiene, and if you are experiencing any symptoms, please see your GP.

Our sincere thanks and appreciation goes out to all our residents, clients, staff, volunteers and all friends of Juniper for your patience, cooperation and flexibility over the last two weeks during the lockdown and transition period.  Together we have been able to protect our Juniper community from the spread of infection.  Thank you!

This information will be updated as further information comes to hand.

Other COVID-19 information resources:


Mel Newcombe
Clarity Communications
0410 461 816