While growing up in the small rural community of Elleker, about 16 kms west of Albany, fresh fish was always a dinner time staple for Roberta “Bobbi” North and nothing has changed some 70 years later.
Now living at Juniper Boronia Court Retirement Living community in Albany, Bobbi has fond memories of her childhood in Elleker. Bobbi’s father would send his catch of mullet, brim, pilchards and cobbler to Perth by train to be sold at market.
After leaving high school aged 14, Bobbi went onto a mix of roles including a fish and vegetable packer for Hunts Canning Factory, also known as Kings Sound Salmon.
“We used to pack the tins, there was a team of us putting the fish in the tins,” Bobbi said.
True to her upbringing when fresh fish was the norm, you still won’t find Bobbi eating the tinned variety anytime soon.
“I eat fresh salmon, not tinned,” spoken by the daughter of a fisherman.