International Women’s Day: Gender Equity at the forefront of aged care - Juniper
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International Women’s Day: Gender Equity at the forefront of aged care

International Women’s Day is a celebration, but it’s also a call to accelerate action to address workplace inequity and challenge perceptions that caring professions are ‘women’s work.’

Caring professions have long been seen as a woman’s domain. Nursing, personal care and domestic services in aged care have been dominated by female employees for decades. Judging by the statistics, they still are. The workforce at Juniper is made up of 86% women and, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, approximately four out of five frontline aged care workers Australia-wide, identified as female.

It isn’t the number of women in the sector that is the issue, it’s the persistent belief that all women are naturally good at caring roles. This problematic perception can devalue the work because it’s not recognised as something that requires education or specific skills and knowledge.

Stereotypes limit women’s careers

Juniper CEO Russell Bricknell says that stereotyping can prevent women from advancing in the workplace. “Caring professions involve an enormous amount of knowledge, skills, education and physical and mental energy,” he says. “This is important work and can take a toll, especially when there is a lack of recognition for the expertise required.”

This year’s International Women’s Day theme, Accelerate Action, resonates with what Russell and Juniper staff believe – it’s a call to increase opportunities for women to excel in the workplace.
Juniper’s Cygnet Residential Manager Jiabao Lin says it’s a powerful reminder of progress made, but there’s more to do. “This action should be faster, more intentional and more inclusive. For me, it means we should advocate for our women to ensure we have equal opportunities in every sphere – whether that is in leadership roles, education or healthcare,” Jiabao says.
Russell says there is a strong mix of women and men in Juniper’s leadership positions but there is room to improve. “We want to ensure equity not only in leadership but also in conditions and opportunities in all areas of the aged care workforce.”

Responsibilities of the aged care sector

Clinical Nurse Manager Kennie Adigun says: “(Women) are shaping the way we care for our elders, advocating for better standards, and leading the way toward a more compassionate future for ageing populations.”

Russell agrees there are many women driving changes to ensure a better future of aged care for both customers and staff.

“The women who work at Juniper, regardless of their role, bring an incredible amount of education, knowledge, culture and dedication to their work. As an organisation and a large employer of women, we have a responsibility to both our staff and customers to create opportunities for women to succeed in work and life. “I am confident we will see significant change and caregiving will be seen as a valuable shared responsibility and opportunity. Everyone can contribute meaningfully to this vital sector.”