Clients from our Juniper Kununurra Community Care Centre were lucky enough to be invited to a stockman workshop run by Steve Burke from Horsepower Training.
Steve works with local young people in the Kimberley who are disadvantaged or at risk, by teaching them stockmanship skills to help build their confidence and give them valuable life skills to help guide them in positive directions.

Steve extended the invitation to Elders who are regular Juniper Home and Community Care Clients to come and join a session and connect with the young people involved.
In the first session, clients were able to watch the young participants work some cattle and also had the opportunity to have a yarn and share their stories of their own with the young people.

Our clients were then invited along to another session run by Anthea, who shared her experiences with training horses.

The Elders had a great time reminiscing and sharing stories of their own experiences with horses.
What a wonderful way to connect Elders with young people in the local community, where they can impart their wisdom to the younger generation and share stories of their lived experiences.
A big thank you to the team at Horsepower Training for giving our clients the opportunity to observe the workshop!