Retirement Living contracts and terminology
It’s important to understand the agreements and terminology Retirement Living Villages use. The below is an overview of the types of costs and agreements associated with Juniper Retirement Living.
What is ‘Lease for Life’?
When it comes to researching Retirement Living, you’ll often hear about ‘Lease for Life’.
When you sign a ‘Lease for Life’ contract, it’s similar to when you sign up for a rental property.
To secure the property, you pay an ‘ingoing cost’ (like a bond) which gives you exclusive rights to lease it for the rest of your lifetime or until you need to move on (often due to health reasons).
You will also need to pay ongoing service and maintenance costs which are calculated based on the type of property, its location and the services and amenities that are available.
Juniper has a number of affordable lease-for-life rentals available, however, to be eligible to apply, you must meet certain criteria. You can read more information about our rentals here.
What are the costs involved?
When you move into our Retirement Living Villages, there are various costs you will pay before and after you move in.
These costs are presented to you before you sign the contract, and include:
Entry costs
You will pay an entry or ‘in-going’ cost, along with ongoing costs during your lease or contract term.
An entry cost is a one-off payment which varies depending on your contract (for example, lease for life is more like a bond, where as a capital or non-capital share is more like a ‘buy in’) that is made upon signing your lease or contract.
Ongoing costs
The ongoing costs are paid fortnightly to the village to cover maintenance, water, council rates, property insurance and other on-site services.
These costs differ from site to site and depends on the contract you sign.
Exit Fee
An exit fee is payable when you permanently leave your retirement living property. It applies exclusively to properties with capital or non-capital shares.
It helps to cover the costs of shared amenities in the village – think community centres, bowling greens and swimming pools. The fee differs for each location and is only paid when you leave the village.
Juniper’s exit fee is capped at a maximum of 25 per cent of your entry costs after six years of living at your property.